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Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Hey Hi. My name is Mr Cruzzo. If you like this blog please follow me all right... Please comment or just drop ur links there and I'll sure visit to ur website, click some ads u've got there and follow you as well. Thanks for the visit and dont forget to visit again. ;)

About Blog

Welcome to a Blog which provides you with Useful Information, Jokes/Video Clips, and Online Dairy. I'm also currently working to write a novel. you can read some of it if you're interested.

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Eating bread while sipping on hot milo during rainy day is just one of the best feelings.. :)

It's a peaceful and tranquil evening to step outside from the daily threadmill and listen to those smooth and sound voices I might have misheard and take a good look at those subtle things.

And just for records.. maybe someone would want to check out on this picture as well I found on google.. try to google-map it.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Something is wrong somewhere..

Something is seriously wrong...

I dont know and I cant tell which part..but something is just very wrong. It's like, even you havent seen or heard anything so sure yet, but you just have that instinct that tells something is just not right and you've got to be prepared for any close possibilities..

Ya know... it's like a natural animal instinct.

*well.. we all are animals..* lols

Anyway, this joke wont last long anyway. It'll end fast. And oooh i am soooo damn sure... hahaa..

And just another random complaint... I feel rather numb and unhappy. Feel appreciated yet rejected. Those twisted feelings.. oh geez..

*my life is nothing but complains nowadays..*

Still I am okay.. Still standing straight armored with the hardest steel. Weaponed with self-esteemed and experience..

And just a little bit more that all these things end and life begins..


Susah juga kalau terkenal and kena sayang ni.. biarpun benda paling kecil terjadi ma ko, semuaaaa orang terus serius bercerita pasal tu kejadian. Lucu juga lah. Buli tahan.

So ni si Bosku ni. Marah2 pasal sudu nasi. Tu sudu nasi kena cuci time ramai pelanggan.. jadi,  pelanggan pun tidak dapat ambik nasi sebab teda sudu dia. Odoi gea... si Bosku ni...marah lah ma tu pekerja yg masi budak sampai main hentak2 dinding lagi. Padahal salah tu Manager sebab dia yg suruh.

Time kena marah tu budak, sa di sebelah. Kasian betul tu budak sa tingu. Panik trus si geng mencuci sudu dia.. lol. Kasian juga tu.. Naaa... apa lagi... sa tunjuk hero lah trus... hahahaa... tarus sa bilang... "Sir.. bukan salah dia sir. I am the one who told him to wash it.."

Si Bosku terus tingu sa, pastu keluar dan jalan pi center point. Lol. Sembahyang kali dia sana surau center point macam besa.. amik ketenangan urang bilang..

Haiyo. Habis trus suma org bercerita pasal tu kejadian. Ada yg cakap sa kena marah utk 1st time. Ada lagi yg sa dengar.. "kasian oh si John. 1st time sa nampak bos kasih marah dia.." loooooool odoi naa...

Kebaruan ba durang. Susah durang ma picaya sebab tau lah... sa datang lewat petang pun tia pernah kena tegur. Awal balik pun ok. Dtg lambat pun ok. Cuti lagi. Lol.. kana sayang lah kunun.. kakakaa..

Sampai sekarang heboh itu crita.. loool. Tapi banyak versi punya cerita lah... hahaa.. Ni lah kan... manusia.. mesti ada tokok tambah tolak darab bahagi. Klu cerita tersebar.. kompom tia sama dgn cerita original. Cetak rompak. Hahahaa..

Oh by the way.. ari ni sa dtg lewat lagi... hohohoo.. bukan suka2 kio... tapi semalam sa balik lewat. Survey tempat sewa kedai sampai jam 1 subuh.. ;)

Jadi.. pengajaran dia tentang topik ari ni... jangan lah kena sayang... lol.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

A little Crack...

I nooded down and whispered monologuely.. "shit man..."

It was a plaintive tone..

But it's okay John.. things will get better. Chin up honey! As time passes by, you'll realize it was never a big deal. What was yesterday, leave in it in the past. You will be shocked when one day in  distance future, you look back again and find that all the blue and woeful memories are the things that will make you smile and those that were joyful and sweet memories will make you cry.

Never regret of what you have done and tried. For you are of what you did.

I think I might need a long rest today. Plus all my activities were cancelled. So, I think it's a good oppoturnity to relax and rest. Be strong. Be brave John...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A decision I ought to do now.

I have been thinking a lot..

Damn true they say that darkness is a place that'd make you to ponder and yourself is your biggest enemy that time.

I am writting this as the night has ended and a new day started yet the day is still as dark as yesterday. I will end what I have started. And I will end it good as much as how I started it.

It would require a lot.. so much that I have to give in half of what I have now as an exchange to my decision. Consequences would be big and I believe unchangeable which would change a huge deal in most of things in my life.

Chances will slip away but I also believe that chances are something that always pass by everyday.. there would be some to grab and hold on to someday.. I believe.. someday..

Monday, December 9, 2013

It broke my heart

Oh. It broke my heart...

Sa baru ja mesyuarat tadi.. After the meeting I was suppose to do something tapi kena cancel... oh... dia sudah janji mo buat tu transfer after the meeting but tiba2 kena cancel. It broke my heart. I feel dissapointed juga lah..

Gara2 sa lewat ja? But I thought we were supposed to do the transfer after the meeting. Bukan sebelum meeting. Kalau ya pun. He should have told me awal2 yang it is before and not after the meeting.

Mimang confirm dia merajuk just because I was late. But seriously? He should have known better. Haaish.. It is ok lah.. so kena postponed entah bila. Sa macam datang malas sudah.

I dont know.. sometimes I think.. am I being too sensitive juga? Why should I feel so anyway kan? Pelik oh. Yay. Gosh. It's so weird. Mmmm... Maybe I am being too sensitive juga. Dia pun sensitive also. Haiyo.. but what to expect? Its ok lah.. haiyaa.. Let it go John.. it is time to just leave it behind.. Just leave it alone. It'll be fine.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Birthday Present

No one knows except his father that actually I was the one who personally choose and bought the phone accesorries that my student loves so much.
My student's father asked me to make his old samsung s III glimmering so that he can give to his son. So I personally choose the pirate of carribean cover with 3D effect, colourful gliterring screen protector and personalise the details on the phone.

In the evening his father presented the surprised birthday gift to this little nice guy and well. The surprise seriously worked!

*what to expect from an about-to-turn 13 years old boy right?

This boy was so happy, not to mention the extra happiness when he got few notes of RM50 as an additional gift aside from the Samsung S III.

*lets just hope he'll not become a spoiled little brat in the future.

So, back to my point! He was so happy. His smiles curved a pretty long line on his face and hardly to relax. Seeing him so happy that moment made me think slash (/) ponder. Was he happy because of the money given or the depth of affection he thought was from his father when he saw that everything about the phone was perfectly matched his soul.

And i thought further... I dont want a dad like that. And I dont want to be a dad of that type. Cheating your love to your children. When you never really mean it... It was sad moment for me. Not because of wanting compliments but because it wasnt true enough from the father.. no one knows I did everything. If that little boy knew.... his thought of his father as hero would break to ruins... pity.

*ok. Enough of sadness. Happy birthday to my student anyway. :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What needed to be said had been said.

Biar.... Biar satu kali sa terus terang and clear and buat dia berfikir... Urang bilang better lagi orang dekat yg terus terang seterang-terangnya daripada orang lain yang terus akan kasih biar kamu selepas kasih hantam tu realiti di muka..

Segala apa yang sa buat dan cakap sekarang mungkin agak melampau dan cross the limits. Bukan agak. Tapi mimang melampau pun. Tapi biar ni sekali ja (tidak diulang lagi) tapi mampu beri impak dengan cara pemikiran dia ni. Peduli lah kejam sa cakap hari ni sebab kebaikan besok harinya adalah lebih besar.

Sa tidak menyesal dan sa lega akhirnya setelah lama dapat juga segalanya terungkai. Masa utk ko ja tu berfikir betul2 dan berubah. Sa doa2 lah ko masih boleh fikir dgn waras and sedar dengan diri sendiri. Kalau tidak pun, masa akan ungkai segalanya nanti. Mungkin presepsi dan kesimpulan sa sekarang salah di masa hadapan nanti. Mungkin juga betul. Apapun yang penting adalah masa sekarang yang nyata.

What needed to be said had been said. Sa mo tutup rapat2 apa yang ada hari ni. ※

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Thank You MKTO


Lama juga sudah sa tidak ketawa begini lucu.. hahaa..
sa rasa geli hati pula tengok ni intro lagu. dia tolak tu president pi tepi. hahaa... lucu.. geli sa hati sa.. haha.. i love this video clip and song. haha... it just made my day. ='D

Yo, this one right here is for all the drop-out-of-schoolers.
The future cougars. The Mary Jane abusers.
The ones that chose to be losers, for all the Misfit Kids and total outcasts MKTO.
This one's for you role models.

We are the ones, the ones you left behind.
Don't tell us how, tell us how to live our lives.
Ten million strong we're breaking all the rules.
Thank you for nothing, cause there's nothing left to lose.

Thank you for feeding us years of lies.
Thank you for the wars you left us to fight.
Thank you for the world you ruined overnight.
But we'll be fine, yeah we'll be fine.

Thank you for the world you broke,
Like yolk and it ain't no joke.
So cold and there ain't no coat,
Just me, my friends, my folks
And we gonna do what we like.
So raise that bird up high
And when they ask you why.
Just stand there laugh and smile.

We are the ones, the ones you left behind.
Don't tell us how, tell us how to live our lives.
Ten million strong we're breaking all the rules.
Thank you for nothing, cause there's nothing left to lose.

Na na na na
Na na na na na na
Na na na na
Na na na na na na
(Thank you)

Thank you for the times you said, "Don't make a sound."
Thanks for the ropes you used to hold us down.
Cause when I break through I'ma use them to reach the clouds.
We ain't comin' down (Come on). We ain't comin' down (Hey).

Look, ma, I finally made it,
This world is too damn jaded.
My life is just like Vegas, go big, go home get faded.
Been a problem since '92.
Can't shut me down curfew
And them girls I'll take a few.
Do what I wanna do.

We are the ones, the ones you left behind.
Don't tell us how, don't tell us how to live our lives.
Ten million strong we're breaking all the rules.
Thank you for nothing, cause there's nothing left to lose.

Na na na na (hey)
Na na na na na na
Na na na na
Na na na na na na
(Thank you)

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
From head to toe from the soul you ripped apart.
I say, "Thank you."
I say, "Thank you."
Yeah, yeah

We are the ones, the ones you left behind.
Don't tell us how, tell us how to live our lives.
Ten million strong we're breaking all the rules.
Thank you for nothing, cause there's nothing left to lose.

We are the ones, the ones you left behind.
Don't tell us how, tell us how to live our lives.
Ten million strong we're breaking all the rules.
Thank you for nothing, cause there's nothing left to lose.

(Thank you)

Na na na na (hey)
Na na na na na na
Na na na na
Na na na na na na
(Thank you)

Yo if you don't like what they tell you to do, don't do it.
If you don't want to be who they want you to be, screw it.
It's your world, it's your life and they ruined it.
Role models, tune in, turn up, drop out m

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Trans Pacific Partnerships

Talking about Trans Pacific Partnerships TPP, a conceived from US to penetrate small countries economics in particular governments procurements is just worrying. Malaysia Ministry of Trade and Industry claimed that negotiation of trades should be done in secret and between only personals involved. there should be no arguments or debates on the trade negotiated either public or within yhe government itself.

If this is the case, then the governments sure talked too much about transparency. Whatever the negotiations might be, we as the residents do not whether it will favor us or instead. It is the individuals involved who will decide what is good or bad for us in which I
Very much doubt. If the governments took part in the TPP, as what Tun Dr Mahathir had clearly discussed in his writing, we'd risk everything on the line in particular the government procurement. Many negotiations had been sealed by the Malaysia government and yet not one is in much favor of us in the end. Few examples to take are the treated water and raw water price deal between Malaysia and Singapore, ASEAN cars labeling and of course the unthinkable purchased of F/A-18 air craft toy (purchased without its source code).

We are unaware of what today decisions will do us many years ahead. Our politicians and economic-expert-Claimed-to-be should know better and make a fair decision for the sake of our future generation. If the governments economists and politists discuss and decide that there a way this TTP would do us good, then WE the people, the main reason of this country very existence should know know all details of it. Negotiation should not be do in secrecy. Tun Dr Maharhir quoted "we talk a lot of transparency, let us see transparency regarding TTP negotiation."

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Oh Goshhh...

Kuyak sa sikijap... Hahahahaa... 2 days ago I whatsapped my friend about something. and my other saw the message. It wasnt soooo cool. Hahahaa... Oh gosh. I never thought it was that messed up.

It was already messed up but adding this one, now it has just upgraded to a TRIPLE KILL messed up.hahaha.. It's so funny.... seriously funny oh.. My sister lambat fetched us up. continue lagi sa lambat balik and tergesa2 bersiap mo keluar dgn kawan. Then jauh lagi makan sana Alamesra. Then mo jumpa dorang kawan lain di suria lagi. pastu si kawan satu ni ada unsettled problem mo kasih selesai time tu juga. Lepas beberapa misunderstanding, terpaksa juga ikut dia. Lepas selesai hal dia, apa lagi... Kami terbang lah pi Suria sampai gear 5. Hahahahahaa...

Sampai mo terlanggar2 kereta orang lain lagi. Sampai Smpai suria, tidak dpt jumpa juga. buang masa ja pi sana. Seba handphone sa awesome betul... Handphone sa melampau special sampaikan hanya boleh kena call time tu handphone benarkan sa baca screen dia atau tu handphone tidak kasih mati batery dia tiba2. HAhahaha...  pastu, kawan sa pula terbaca mesej whatsapp yg tidak sepatutnya.. hahahahaa

LOLLLLL... Luuuuucccccccuuuu... Sudah tu, habis mood tidak bagus balik rumah and farewell dengan si kawan pun tidak ngam sudah. masam muka kalah cuka harga RM1.50 tu. Haiyoo......... Sedih2........ Belum lagi sa cerita pasal stress kerja sa dalam minggu tu... Dengan kes hilang duit, report sales tidak betul dan macam2 lagi ada macam tu Astro. Oh God... Ni kah dugaan sa.. Adui gia...

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Personal Assistant again?

Oh.... this post is a continuity of last time topic - about job I'm going to get myself involved in. So, actually being a Waiter is a part of it. But, I've got a bigger offer which is to be a Personal Assistant. Again. Again? Oh John.... Am I actually doing this? 'Cause I know exactly where this is going to get me. you'll never how it feels to be a person with a dick working as PA. 

*which is huge.

All right.. What we've got... I have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to show my ass around. 8a.m. to 2p.m. everyday. So, in short - Isnin sampai selasa, 7 jam sehari dari jam 8 pagi sampai 2 petang.

Uuuuuhhh.. now that sounds good. Uuuuhh yeahhhhh...  Yes indeed it sounds like an imagination comes true like when you get high with marijuana specially to those who are completely hopeless  craving and dying for a job. But then, remember that I've been into this before, this job and I are well acquainted and I know things are going to get really ugly Betty.

The ugly truth is that... This job like what my friend well-described is an easy-to-get-fucked-up job. Meaning to say, it comprises an incredibly unreasonable huge scope areas of job. Like a black-man penis. It's big.

*what a beautiful and fitting metaphor.

In short - You need to do all shits for your CEO whether it's Personal shits or Company shits. Thats including Accounting, admin, Human resource and all craps. and if things get messed up - You, Mr John is the one to blame. HAHAHAHA.

*not funny at all.

wanna talk more about this. But gotta go. Darn it.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


No I don't understand. How I could held it together before I could hold your hand.. And I can't recall.If I knew who I was. Who did I used to be?

I guess the exam is over. I now reclaim my life as how it was. But then macam berubah pula sudah sa rasa..

And now what....??? What should I be doing..?? Apa yang perlu sa buat sekarang?? Sa pun makin tidak pasti. Should I start working? Or should I go for another study? Another course perhaps? Oh man... Sa pun tia tau apa mau buat sekarang.. I guess, now I just have to go to what I called as "Tuition-class" untuk main game. Hahaa.. Main Tekken 6. Try to learn of how to use si Zafrina - The weirdest character in Tekken 6. Apapun, Im lost and I dont know what to do.

Ada juga lah sa dapat beberapa cadangan. Sama ada mo jadi Cikgu English atau jadi WAITER yang BERJAYA di restaurant tempat sama2 tutor sa ni. hahaa.. I'll consider very much of being a waiter. Hahahaa.. senang kerja. ambil order then hidang dengan customer. Kalau customer kurang ajar... tuang ja tu nasi di muka dia. Biar melekat tu nasi putih sana his annoying face.. huahaa..

Haish... Sa masih rasa kosong... mmmm... Bisuk maybe I should help sana restaurant lah... teda kerja di rumah... haish... Let's see lah bisuk.. John... John.... plan your future.. Things are not always easy... For now it is.. But, it's not gonna rain forever, neither it is going to be sunny day always. So get yourself prepared and braced up! Even it is just going to be as a waiter. Hahaha.. What a joke.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Tightrope - Paul Freeman

Oh, I'm just totally in love with this song. I fell in love the second I heard it. Awww.. By the way, dont get me wrong - yeah it sounds a little emotional but It doesn't explain any of the things I feel now. No emotional connection or any relation at all. No, no and NO. Say NO to plastic bags. by the way. I wish all internet people/weirdos/pysco to have beautiful days ahead. May you fall down the stairs the moment you gemt out of the bedroom and yet dont hurt you at all! Best wishes! XOXO

I don't wanna wait too long
And I don't wanna break it down
The sun is sinking just like stone
And it's hard to for me to breath
My mind is missing pieces of you
And fear and the pain have gone
But I'll keep holdin' holdin'

And I'm higher before than I've ever been
I was walking a tightrope can't you see
That nobody wants to be alone
I was walking a tightrope
(Walking a tightrope)
Can you catch me?

If I let go
As far as I can see
The world is turning out of time
Your gravity will pull me close
And it's all I'll ever need
Don't let me fall and break in two
Cus all we are are skin and bones
So just keep holdin'
Just keep holdin' on

And I'm higher before than I've ever been
I was walking a tightrope can't you see
That nobody wants to be alone
I was walking a tightrope
Can you catch me?

If I let go
There's no way back
If I let go
Your where I land
So here I go
Cus I just wanna live
And I just wanna feel it

I just wanna feel it

And I'm higher before than I've ever been
I was walking a tightrope can't you see
That nobody wants to be alone
I was walking a tightrope
Can you catch me?
If I let go

Saturday, March 2, 2013

It was perfect.

It was a perfect moment until jealously came in and ruined it all..

Adidi.. Ni lah lucu kalau jealous2 ni... Benda baik pun buli lingtang pukang rusak.. haiyaa... bagus2 sudah relationship, sudah kasi kenal family sana sini... Bestfriends pun sudah kenal... Pigi rumah si dia pun sudah.. Dia pi rumah sa pun sudah.. Last2, gara2 satu gambar ja. rusak suma.. lucu.. Adidii.. 

Tapi, apa buli buat.. benda sudah berlaku.. Teda apa benda sudah buli kena buat.. Berserah ja lah.. Pasrah si Era Fazirah bilang.. "Kini akuuuuu... pasrah..... dengan segalanyaaaaaa...." Hahahahaa

Tapi kan... lucu juga oh kan memori kami tu.. adididii.. hepi juga oh... we both clicked.. I mean kan.. Kami ngam bah... mmmm... Haiyaa.. but then... nothing to regret. Things happened.. and this is a consequence out of it..

Anyhow, sa tu hari pi Kuala Penyu.. pi lawat kampung kawan urang bilang.. siok juga oh.... i enjoyed my days there. it was AwwwwSOME. haha.. And banyak sa terpaksa bagitau time di Kuala Penyu.. ni lah susah kalau sudah orang tua yang tanya ni... terpaksa bagitau yang betul2... Kalau durang yg budak2 and kawan2, buli lagi sa gurau2.. contohnya sa ikut tuisyen kampung2... pasal diri sa...

Sekali kena tanya oleh urang tua... terpaksa lah juga sa jawab yg betul2 sebab kalau urang tua yg tanya, it is really a big deal and you are just forbidden to crack jokes to old folks. Nanti, kena terajang and tidak kena suka... Aishemen... Minggu depan pi Pulau..!!! Yihaaaaaaaa!!! and Sa mau tingu suma wayang terbaru sekarang termasuklah Jack the Giants Slayer (kalau tidak silap sa lah), Iron Man 3, Wreck it Ralph, OZ the Greatest and Powerful! Yooo man! cant wait!