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Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
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Welcome to a Blog which provides you with Useful Information, Jokes/Video Clips, and Online Dairy. I'm also currently working to write a novel. you can read some of it if you're interested.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Stupid Reply.

Hari Raya 2012

All right..

Have you ever encountered a situation where you're in a conversation and the other person you're talking to, replies you with tons and tons of bullshits?

1st example - It was few months ago when I met this one good looking + nice guy and we had quite a long conversation. We were talking about science and he started to reply me with tons of bullshits, my brain just cant accept. My God. It had me thinking "Seriously, your good looking face is not helping you with anything". Gosh, I cant stand it sometimes. I feel like laughing at the same time I am very very disappointed. hahaha..

And there was this one time with different guy when I was asking about how to gain weight. The conversation started good which then turned weirder and stupider and you have to agree to every stupid and bullshit opinion that person has in his confused mind. When I encountered such awkward situation, I just suddenly became so quite, hoping he/she would stop talking and stop the nonsense.

And there is this another thing when someone asks for your opinion and you give them with opinion according to what she has asked which in turn they replied you like "For what?"? It leaves with a very unstable feeling that a big slap on her face would be NICE. like... Pammm..!!! *SLAPS slaps and slaps*. Geez... Last night a girl I barely know asked me she was in pain. So, I told her to listen to music and she was like "listen to music for what?" And I was like. "Listen to music for your ass". Like seriously? Of course listen to music to make you feel better like people always say, the lyrics and the melody in a song sometimes is just related to what you are facing and it makes you fee a bit better. Geez...

I am having these ridiculous things from people I barely know recently and sometimes I just cant handle it. AAAAAaaahh... Ignorance.. By the way, Life is great these past few days. One of my friends is going to Labuan for work in few more days. So, I wish him best of luck! =D

Sunday, September 16, 2012