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Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
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Welcome to a Blog which provides you with Useful Information, Jokes/Video Clips, and Online Dairy. I'm also currently working to write a novel. you can read some of it if you're interested.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Oh Goshhh...

Kuyak sa sikijap... Hahahahaa... 2 days ago I whatsapped my friend about something. and my other saw the message. It wasnt soooo cool. Hahahaa... Oh gosh. I never thought it was that messed up.

It was already messed up but adding this one, now it has just upgraded to a TRIPLE KILL messed up.hahaha.. It's so funny.... seriously funny oh.. My sister lambat fetched us up. continue lagi sa lambat balik and tergesa2 bersiap mo keluar dgn kawan. Then jauh lagi makan sana Alamesra. Then mo jumpa dorang kawan lain di suria lagi. pastu si kawan satu ni ada unsettled problem mo kasih selesai time tu juga. Lepas beberapa misunderstanding, terpaksa juga ikut dia. Lepas selesai hal dia, apa lagi... Kami terbang lah pi Suria sampai gear 5. Hahahahahaa...

Sampai mo terlanggar2 kereta orang lain lagi. Sampai Smpai suria, tidak dpt jumpa juga. buang masa ja pi sana. Seba handphone sa awesome betul... Handphone sa melampau special sampaikan hanya boleh kena call time tu handphone benarkan sa baca screen dia atau tu handphone tidak kasih mati batery dia tiba2. HAhahaha...  pastu, kawan sa pula terbaca mesej whatsapp yg tidak sepatutnya.. hahahahaa

LOLLLLL... Luuuuucccccccuuuu... Sudah tu, habis mood tidak bagus balik rumah and farewell dengan si kawan pun tidak ngam sudah. masam muka kalah cuka harga RM1.50 tu. Haiyoo......... Sedih2........ Belum lagi sa cerita pasal stress kerja sa dalam minggu tu... Dengan kes hilang duit, report sales tidak betul dan macam2 lagi ada macam tu Astro. Oh God... Ni kah dugaan sa.. Adui gia...