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Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
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About Blog

Welcome to a Blog which provides you with Useful Information, Jokes/Video Clips, and Online Dairy. I'm also currently working to write a novel. you can read some of it if you're interested.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Keep calm again  John...

People do mistakes and no one is perfect. We are human being who is bound to have failures and it is okay if we have some of things we trying hard to work on go wrong and eventually ends.

If other party is doing well following rules and regulations, never forget that they are humans too. What you see is probably not what is truly is. They have weakness and they may have failed in many things as well.

What seems to be important to you, might be considered as something that can be excused to them. So, fear not because not everyone is as perfectionist as you are.

Even so, do not get it wrong. It doesn't mean that you can do as many mistakes as you may please. Accepting and admitting your mistakes also doesn't solve the problem. Look deeper to your mistake and analyse it. Fix what you fix and make sure it won't happen again. Urge an improvement and better yourself so that things may run smoother than before.

Yes, people give second chance. But, never you heard someone says a third chance. Lastly, find a way to communicate better. A good communicatipn leads to a good relation. And a good relation means acceptance and recognition.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014

What is so little of today, make a big difference of tomorrow.

Wow... I can't believe it disturbs me so much. It doesn't even gonna affect me in any way. So, why should I feel disturbed and feel messed up??

Such an unreasonable emotional stressed to be fussed about. Ooohh John... You need nothing from them. They need something from you. They are the ones who are looking for you! They look out for you! So what the hell man?! You've got nothing to worry! Take it or leave it, that's it.

I've got nothing to lose yo! So what the hell?! Cool man.. relax.. It's gonna be all right. They accepted the offer and they wanted to still look into it. Present yourself, be it good or not. If it didn't work, then it is not you who is needing help anyway.

They still want to see how it is going to be. They want, so accept the fact and stop making stupid assumption. Be professional. People make mistakes. People can be stupid too.

It might had not started well. But look to the end as you do not the end of it yet. You'll never know it actuallu will end good. Better than anything else. Better. And if it did not, then you have put and end to what you have started. And that what matters most.

Be happy. That is always what influences others and turn the bad things good. You only get a beautiful smile back at you if you smile beautifully in front of the mirror. If we show the good things, then good things will come right back to us too in return.

So little of today make a big difference of tomorrow. Remember that. Always do.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Don't make me laugh

Don't make me laugh by telling me that.

Oh... just please don't.


I wanna live in Mars.