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Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Hey Hi. My name is Mr Cruzzo. If you like this blog please follow me all right... Please comment or just drop ur links there and I'll sure visit to ur website, click some ads u've got there and follow you as well. Thanks for the visit and dont forget to visit again. ;)

About Blog

Welcome to a Blog which provides you with Useful Information, Jokes/Video Clips, and Online Dairy. I'm also currently working to write a novel. you can read some of it if you're interested.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Facebook Timeline

Ok here's the deal...

Open your Facebook account and go to your own profile wall. Click 2013 and below posts. Now, read them. 

You will find how immature and childish you were even how matured you thought you were when you posted those things!

I actually laughed out loud reading all the posts I had published on my Facebook wall in 2007-2012! Lol. Goodness.. Was it really me? Hahaa.. So funny lah. I almost can't believe it that I posted those stuffs. 

But yeah.. It was amazing.. I was so innocent. Wow.. How cool is to actually get to know your innocent self back then.  I guess, Facebook has its "good" use anyhow.

It's like an album of pictures with descriptions of your life. It records what you were doing and all the memories you had. Good to know mine. It was... Sweet. :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Coming soon new hair!!

Since I'll be not working anymore next month... So, say hello to a new hair next month! Haha.. Can't wait to see how ugly I would be. Hahaa... But I just want to try lots of things when I am not bound to work anymore... A LOT and LOT of things I wanna try seriously hahaa.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Emotional Struggle

Compared with physical challenges, emotional struggle is more burdening and draining for a man.

Being a growing young adult is one of the toughest things to be trust me.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Way off from original plan

As what I have always thought that things has never actually go my way.. it is always goes off the course that I want it to be.

So many things to be said and done with so little time.. it is pulling down my spirit draining me bit by bit.


Cerita-cerita dengan kawan.. baru ada lega sedikit... hmm... siok juga cerita dengan kawan laaaaama.. hahaa... semua benda boleh dishare... termasuk yang feeling-feeling ni.. hahaaa... sebab kalau kawan lama ni yang kana kanal dari 90-an lagi... mimang ikhlas mendengar.. ada sot2 lagi cerita kadang2. Hahaa..

Hmmm... everything is well... thanks goodness...

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Too good relationship with Bos

I tried to avoid but... I just got involved deeper with my bos. I don't know... But what my friend ever told me before, that it is better not to be emotionally and mentally attached to your superior is true.. because it'll be harder for you to loose off from them. .

The more I get involved with my bos personal life the more harder it feels to get off from his hand.. but this evening... he was asking for my opinion about his family issue. And it turned out to be an emotional moment. Oh gosh... now I have to give a very very very strong excuse if one day I really am determine to leave for the better.

Oh bosku... kanapa lah begini ni... adoiii...

Sunday, June 15, 2014

They are all Doctors now

So.. another batch of my friends graduating in general medical.

Adoi... So everyone is becoming a doctor now. I cant believe time runs so fast in no time everything and everyone is just not the same.

What about me. What Am I gonna do next. For sure I am still here in this company. But will I ever pursue what I had hope before? To get degree of engineering. I put away everything aside when I decided to do so last time.

But now it seems my course has change so much and I am no way in that road of what I had planned. Plans never have worked in my life before anyway. Things are just not going according to what I have always wanted it to be. Guess it is true that we plan but God decides what to be.

Anyway. Another thing way off from the main topic. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

A picture that crafted a smile on my face.

Saw an old picture in my phone of a long lost friend and it had me laughing. Hahaa.. What a great smile! Hahaa.. wondering his whereabout and hoping he is doing all great.. hahaa..

Monday, May 12, 2014

Many Things..

Just many things running in my mind now.

Too many I don't know where to start.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wrong Move.

Wrong move John... wrong move...

Aiyo... i cant believe I got a hair cut like this. Lol. It looks so stupid. Looool

Now I look like an awesome retarded guy. Lol. *sigh

I guess I've gotta shampoo my hair with half of the shampoo bottle everyday to get my hair long really quick.

Gambate! Lol

Saturday, May 3, 2014

In Time..

I wonder what would happen... when the time comes and imagination becomes reality.

I wonder what would we say... when we loved each other and later we find out that we don't.

I wonder what would it be and feel like... when all that we hope is broken into pieces we could never mend.

I wonder how would we live our lives... after such grave dissapoinment and guilts hunt us down.

I wonder would we be ever the same again... as sweetness has turn so sour.

Would we raise hope like we did before? Would we laugh as sincere as the heart truly is. Or is it just some beautiful crafted smiles with no happiness.

I wonder what would we be when the time comes... as imagination is never a reality.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Keep calm again  John...

People do mistakes and no one is perfect. We are human being who is bound to have failures and it is okay if we have some of things we trying hard to work on go wrong and eventually ends.

If other party is doing well following rules and regulations, never forget that they are humans too. What you see is probably not what is truly is. They have weakness and they may have failed in many things as well.

What seems to be important to you, might be considered as something that can be excused to them. So, fear not because not everyone is as perfectionist as you are.

Even so, do not get it wrong. It doesn't mean that you can do as many mistakes as you may please. Accepting and admitting your mistakes also doesn't solve the problem. Look deeper to your mistake and analyse it. Fix what you fix and make sure it won't happen again. Urge an improvement and better yourself so that things may run smoother than before.

Yes, people give second chance. But, never you heard someone says a third chance. Lastly, find a way to communicate better. A good communicatipn leads to a good relation. And a good relation means acceptance and recognition.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014

What is so little of today, make a big difference of tomorrow.

Wow... I can't believe it disturbs me so much. It doesn't even gonna affect me in any way. So, why should I feel disturbed and feel messed up??

Such an unreasonable emotional stressed to be fussed about. Ooohh John... You need nothing from them. They need something from you. They are the ones who are looking for you! They look out for you! So what the hell man?! You've got nothing to worry! Take it or leave it, that's it.

I've got nothing to lose yo! So what the hell?! Cool man.. relax.. It's gonna be all right. They accepted the offer and they wanted to still look into it. Present yourself, be it good or not. If it didn't work, then it is not you who is needing help anyway.

They still want to see how it is going to be. They want, so accept the fact and stop making stupid assumption. Be professional. People make mistakes. People can be stupid too.

It might had not started well. But look to the end as you do not the end of it yet. You'll never know it actuallu will end good. Better than anything else. Better. And if it did not, then you have put and end to what you have started. And that what matters most.

Be happy. That is always what influences others and turn the bad things good. You only get a beautiful smile back at you if you smile beautifully in front of the mirror. If we show the good things, then good things will come right back to us too in return.

So little of today make a big difference of tomorrow. Remember that. Always do.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Don't make me laugh

Don't make me laugh by telling me that.

Oh... just please don't.


I wanna live in Mars.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Serious seriously?


Did you really think I was serious about that? Lol! Adoooiiiii... ni lah kalau orang tidak pahem bila sa bergurau dan bila sa serius...

Lol!! Oh man... they really thought I meant what I said.. aiyaaaaaa... kalau orang ketawa2 sambil cerita2 of course lah tidak serius... aiyo... benda simple common sense mcm ni pun tidak dapat tangkap kah... aiyaaa...

They really believed the "thing" I said I would do.. lucu lah... lawak tahap maharaja lawak ni... aiyo.. lucu lah... Even if I did it, that is to try.

*as my brain at times strongly suggests to me. Haha!

But to be truly passion about it. Ngeekk.. I don't think so.

Aiyo.. lawak2.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Too many heartbreaking stories in one day I cant take it and listen to others anymore.

Aiyo... kalaulah seseorang diberi anugerah untuk mengetahui kisah hidup hanya beberapa orang di dunia ni, baru dia sedar ada yang mengalami masalah dan kesedihan yang lebih parah lagi..

Sudahlah berita pasal MH370 ni sedih, pastu sa tersangat pilu lagi terdengar rintihan kawan yang kena tahan di wad.. lain lagi satu pekerja kami yang tiba2 kena stroke dan baru sahaja lumpuh setengah badan.. sa pun mo nangis tengo oh.. huhuhuuuuu....

Oh God..... rupa2nya... sangat ramai lagi yang parah dan dalam keadaan yang lebih rumit... saya tidak pernah menyangka kawan yang sering senyum dan ketawa, rupanya itulah kawan yang sangat menderita dan hiba dalam diam di hatinya... oh Tuhan... sedihnya...

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Relax ko memikir...

Naaa... ni kali lah...

Mmmm... to go or not to go... to do or not to do... mmmm...

Wiew... satu tawaran yang sukar untuk ditolak... mmmm... tapi... will it be good? I dont wanna look back with regrets. Geezz...

Make up your mind John!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Inhale honey.. Inhale..

Have you ever felt it when you see something unbearable is in front of you and all of a sudden, your body natural responds just come at you all at once :- you skip a  heart beat, eyes enlarge like popping out, body movement become awkward and you deeply breathing?

" ohhh daiiimnnn.." we all say

Geezz.. that feeling is just such a despair at the end. If I encounter such situation, I'll crush that "thing" in my mind. Like imaginig crushing it to something unrecogniseable and just think.. "oh.. well.. it's not so good now.. so I'm okay already.." haha!

Haish... I can't believe I am that kind of person. Or maybe I'll just close my eyes..

Close your eyes to something unbearable.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

I have a friend in....

I must stop using that sentence "I have a friend in that Company or Department or etc..."

I wonder what would the person that we claim to be a "friend" has something to say about the friendship statement. I bet he/she would say something like..

1) - "Oh.. we're friends?"
2) - "Well...I didn't know we're friends but yeah, that's cool."
3) - "I don't know him."

Hahaa.. I mean seriously man.. it sounds a bit annoying yeah? When you hear someone keeps on sayin' he has a friend here and there in all those corporate Companies..

*Oh goodness.. please save these people.. *said my "friend"*

Well.. taking a lesson from this because I also say the same thing at times.. So, I think I'll move on from that "I have a friend..." to something like "I know someone... from that Company or bla bla..." or "I have an acquintance..."

That would sound not so exagerrating . Yeah.. That'd be more like it.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Something about us...

There's something about us that I can't let go...
There's something about the memories of duo...
There's something about the words that have been said...
And something about the things that we've shared...

Something I barely remember but I couldn't forget..
Something about the promises that we forsake..

Even we haven't travelled the miles together..
For I weren't there for you and you weren't there for us..

Even though we were confused to utter it love or lust..
But there was something about us..

And there still is..  that I can't let go..

Monday, February 10, 2014

Another lame day.

Hey I'm sick again with this flu and high fever..
*oh how I love exagerrating.

But I mean... freakin hurts. It hurts ma brain, ma neck, my body, ma face and ears. I am burning.

Well as we are speaking of hero... I actually still went out for work. Jeng jeng jeng... how cool is that?

*ice cool huh.?

Anyhow, I'm goin back a bit early today. Which to be done in another mins. * wanna feel this airconditioning like never before 1st, poop then go back home ->To my lonely home and solituditary.

*awesome as it sounds...yeah... ;'D

Thursday, January 16, 2014

On Time

Have you ever felt the pressure of chasing time when you ought to go to work? I bet hell yeah! 'Cause I can see a lot of people here standing at the bus stop with those stressed out faces looking at their wrist watches every 2 minutes. To be on time pretty much sucks aye.

Now that's stressing. I think I'm the only in this group without that kind of pressure. Actually what I'm doing now isn't that bad after all, even sometimes it can be, especially when we're lacking of men-power.

Talking of which... we are definitely lacking of men power since schooling started and so all the part timers resigned. Aaahhh.. how I hate this. No workers means the management would need to get involved in the operation. Geezzzz... another day in paradise.

Well yeah. It's okay thou. Since I've got no restriction of time, I am sooooo going back early.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Facebook comment went wild.

Oh ya.. just another random post.

My comment on facebook went wild when people actually debated over what I commented on a picture. Lol. Here's the screen captured of it. I guess it's conspiring. *just sharing

Below are some pictures of the picture posted. And some of the comments from people replying and debating over my comment.

This is the scandalous picture
Likes of 200++ after not even 12 hours.
It increases
Some of the replies to my comments. Lol. Why do they got stressed over it? Lol

Monday, January 6, 2014

Sick ; fever and flu

I've never felt so much pain like this, before.

I feel so hopeless in every effort I've made to relieve the pain with no one to moan to, no one to show that I need some help.

*of course since im at my work place.

Surprisingly, for a moment in grief pain, I thought about death.. not that I was afraid of it, but instead I hoped for it. geez... how weird can i be really..

*tapi, palis2 juga lah... jauhkan balak. Hehe.

I still feel so much pain in my stomach precisely. I guess I'll call mom this evening. Gila men sakit. Mmmm..