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Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Hey Hi. My name is Mr Cruzzo. If you like this blog please follow me all right... Please comment or just drop ur links there and I'll sure visit to ur website, click some ads u've got there and follow you as well. Thanks for the visit and dont forget to visit again. ;)

About Blog

Welcome to a Blog which provides you with Useful Information, Jokes/Video Clips, and Online Dairy. I'm also currently working to write a novel. you can read some of it if you're interested.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Personal Assistant again?

Oh.... this post is a continuity of last time topic - about job I'm going to get myself involved in. So, actually being a Waiter is a part of it. But, I've got a bigger offer which is to be a Personal Assistant. Again. Again? Oh John.... Am I actually doing this? 'Cause I know exactly where this is going to get me. you'll never how it feels to be a person with a dick working as PA. 

*which is huge.

All right.. What we've got... I have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to show my ass around. 8a.m. to 2p.m. everyday. So, in short - Isnin sampai selasa, 7 jam sehari dari jam 8 pagi sampai 2 petang.

Uuuuuhhh.. now that sounds good. Uuuuhh yeahhhhh...  Yes indeed it sounds like an imagination comes true like when you get high with marijuana specially to those who are completely hopeless  craving and dying for a job. But then, remember that I've been into this before, this job and I are well acquainted and I know things are going to get really ugly Betty.

The ugly truth is that... This job like what my friend well-described is an easy-to-get-fucked-up job. Meaning to say, it comprises an incredibly unreasonable huge scope areas of job. Like a black-man penis. It's big.

*what a beautiful and fitting metaphor.

In short - You need to do all shits for your CEO whether it's Personal shits or Company shits. Thats including Accounting, admin, Human resource and all craps. and if things get messed up - You, Mr John is the one to blame. HAHAHAHA.

*not funny at all.

wanna talk more about this. But gotta go. Darn it.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


No I don't understand. How I could held it together before I could hold your hand.. And I can't recall.If I knew who I was. Who did I used to be?

I guess the exam is over. I now reclaim my life as how it was. But then macam berubah pula sudah sa rasa..

And now what....??? What should I be doing..?? Apa yang perlu sa buat sekarang?? Sa pun makin tidak pasti. Should I start working? Or should I go for another study? Another course perhaps? Oh man... Sa pun tia tau apa mau buat sekarang.. I guess, now I just have to go to what I called as "Tuition-class" untuk main game. Hahaa.. Main Tekken 6. Try to learn of how to use si Zafrina - The weirdest character in Tekken 6. Apapun, Im lost and I dont know what to do.

Ada juga lah sa dapat beberapa cadangan. Sama ada mo jadi Cikgu English atau jadi WAITER yang BERJAYA di restaurant tempat sama2 tutor sa ni. hahaa.. I'll consider very much of being a waiter. Hahahaa.. senang kerja. ambil order then hidang dengan customer. Kalau customer kurang ajar... tuang ja tu nasi di muka dia. Biar melekat tu nasi putih sana his annoying face.. huahaa..

Haish... Sa masih rasa kosong... mmmm... Bisuk maybe I should help sana restaurant lah... teda kerja di rumah... haish... Let's see lah bisuk.. John... John.... plan your future.. Things are not always easy... For now it is.. But, it's not gonna rain forever, neither it is going to be sunny day always. So get yourself prepared and braced up! Even it is just going to be as a waiter. Hahaha.. What a joke.