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Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Hey Hi. My name is Mr Cruzzo. If you like this blog please follow me all right... Please comment or just drop ur links there and I'll sure visit to ur website, click some ads u've got there and follow you as well. Thanks for the visit and dont forget to visit again. ;)

About Blog

Welcome to a Blog which provides you with Useful Information, Jokes/Video Clips, and Online Dairy. I'm also currently working to write a novel. you can read some of it if you're interested.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Serious seriously?


Did you really think I was serious about that? Lol! Adoooiiiii... ni lah kalau orang tidak pahem bila sa bergurau dan bila sa serius...

Lol!! Oh man... they really thought I meant what I said.. aiyaaaaaa... kalau orang ketawa2 sambil cerita2 of course lah tidak serius... aiyo... benda simple common sense mcm ni pun tidak dapat tangkap kah... aiyaaa...

They really believed the "thing" I said I would do.. lucu lah... lawak tahap maharaja lawak ni... aiyo.. lucu lah... Even if I did it, that is to try.

*as my brain at times strongly suggests to me. Haha!

But to be truly passion about it. Ngeekk.. I don't think so.

Aiyo.. lawak2.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Too many heartbreaking stories in one day I cant take it and listen to others anymore.

Aiyo... kalaulah seseorang diberi anugerah untuk mengetahui kisah hidup hanya beberapa orang di dunia ni, baru dia sedar ada yang mengalami masalah dan kesedihan yang lebih parah lagi..

Sudahlah berita pasal MH370 ni sedih, pastu sa tersangat pilu lagi terdengar rintihan kawan yang kena tahan di wad.. lain lagi satu pekerja kami yang tiba2 kena stroke dan baru sahaja lumpuh setengah badan.. sa pun mo nangis tengo oh.. huhuhuuuuu....

Oh God..... rupa2nya... sangat ramai lagi yang parah dan dalam keadaan yang lebih rumit... saya tidak pernah menyangka kawan yang sering senyum dan ketawa, rupanya itulah kawan yang sangat menderita dan hiba dalam diam di hatinya... oh Tuhan... sedihnya...

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Relax ko memikir...

Naaa... ni kali lah...

Mmmm... to go or not to go... to do or not to do... mmmm...

Wiew... satu tawaran yang sukar untuk ditolak... mmmm... tapi... will it be good? I dont wanna look back with regrets. Geezz...

Make up your mind John!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Inhale honey.. Inhale..

Have you ever felt it when you see something unbearable is in front of you and all of a sudden, your body natural responds just come at you all at once :- you skip a  heart beat, eyes enlarge like popping out, body movement become awkward and you deeply breathing?

" ohhh daiiimnnn.." we all say

Geezz.. that feeling is just such a despair at the end. If I encounter such situation, I'll crush that "thing" in my mind. Like imaginig crushing it to something unrecogniseable and just think.. "oh.. well.. it's not so good now.. so I'm okay already.." haha!

Haish... I can't believe I am that kind of person. Or maybe I'll just close my eyes..

Close your eyes to something unbearable.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

I have a friend in....

I must stop using that sentence "I have a friend in that Company or Department or etc..."

I wonder what would the person that we claim to be a "friend" has something to say about the friendship statement. I bet he/she would say something like..

1) - "Oh.. we're friends?"
2) - "Well...I didn't know we're friends but yeah, that's cool."
3) - "I don't know him."

Hahaa.. I mean seriously man.. it sounds a bit annoying yeah? When you hear someone keeps on sayin' he has a friend here and there in all those corporate Companies..

*Oh goodness.. please save these people.. *said my "friend"*

Well.. taking a lesson from this because I also say the same thing at times.. So, I think I'll move on from that "I have a friend..." to something like "I know someone... from that Company or bla bla..." or "I have an acquintance..."

That would sound not so exagerrating . Yeah.. That'd be more like it.