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Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
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Welcome to a Blog which provides you with Useful Information, Jokes/Video Clips, and Online Dairy. I'm also currently working to write a novel. you can read some of it if you're interested.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I am a Playboy...

Dear Diary,

I’m a playboy…

I am so sure that writing about own self stating that I am a playboy isn’t a good idea… People who read this might be thinking that I’m a bad guy, a player who plays with others heart and feelings. People would speculate that I’m not a very good person… But still I want to say that I’m playboy… it depends on people if they want to think that I am really such a dick or whatsoever…

I’m a playboy I admit… I knock on someone’s heart door, try to get in, enter, but when it’s his turn, I never open mine to that person… It’s not that I don’t care, it’s just I wouldn’t dare… Cause I just don’t have the strength not to fall apart.


  1. you just want to be friend with them .. but .. they just misunderstood bout yr's not yr fault..ok john..;)

  2. ouch,,,,.. ko lah juga Chaong.. hehehehe...sayang ko sangat2... ya.. i never intended to play their feelings.... but still.... ada rasa bersalah sikit... :(

  3. ok bha John..haishhh...x pyh la ko rsa b'salah..bukan slh ko jg..suda...jgn pikir2 lg..bgs ko pikir bla la mo blnja aku ni..(a bit selfish..haha)..;p

  4. wakakakakaka... kejam.. kejam.. hahaha.. ya bah. dun worry bah... just gimme a call klu ko sampai kk. tapi, i hope waktu tu sia available... sorry klu waktu tu tidak dpt... nnt takut ada something tidak dpt dielakkan.. jgn marah klu jadi ar? =)

  5. wuiii..ok pla hal..sia paham jg 2..ko krja cri duit tuk blnja aku kn...hahaha..;p

  6. ya bah... sia kerja semata-mata untuk belanja ko nnt. hahaha... lucu plak bunyi dia.. =D

  7. bhaa..bila maw blanja saya ni..;p

  8. hahaha.. bah datang ko sini kk. kita makan. hohohoh

